The Fishery’s Prego. Yes, that’s right. “Prego”, meat. Fishery, fish. We have a “prego” made of meat, created in a fishery “made” of fish. It all started in 2010 with the SEA ME – Modern Fishery project, where our purpose was to pay tribute to the old fisheries that, across time, had disappeared from the beautiful city of Lisbon.
As any self-respecting Portuguese seafood restaurant, it was mandatory to have a “prego” on the menu. But not just any “prego”. It would have to be the best “prego” in Lisbon, the best “prego” in Portugal, the best “prego” in the World. For our tribute to “prego”, we named each one that you can find.
All of them are made with the best beef and wrapped in handmade bread, whose recipe is “locked away from sight”. Each “prego” represents an urban tribe (some are becoming extinct) and their different and innovative ingredients intend to mirror their ways lifestyle.
Your discount
10% off your order at O Prego da Peixaria